Ways We Serve God
Volunteer Opportunities
Behind the Scenes – Within the church we have many committees or areas where we need help; whether it is an administrative board member, or committee member (missions, staff/pastor/parish relations, ministry, trustees/maintenance, memorials), let us know if you would like to be a part of the structure of making things happen. Most serve for two years (meeting bi-monthly), and are part of a nomination process. Let us know if you want to be nominated!
As Needed Helpers – We have many other ways to help out at 1st UMC – helping with funeral dinners, crisis meals, home/hospital visits, greeting card ministry, new member or confirmation mentors, worship helpers (greeters, ushers, liturgists, bell choir, vocal choir, special music, children’s worship), or outreach programs (Advent by Candlelight, blessing boxes, fellowship time/coffee groups).
Representatives Outside the Church Walls – Hospital Chaplaincy Program, Inter-Church Council Ministries Center (local food pantry), Community Worship Services, Salvation Army (bell ringers, counselors)
If any of these pique your interest – give us a call for more information or to sign up!
Other Ways To Serve
Complete details coming soon.
There are many ways to help when you donate to 1st UMC:
Mission & Outreach: Weekly we prepare 100+ meals free for those in need in our community. We also sponsor events for the 4th of July, Back to School Resource Night, Inter-Church Council Ministry Center, Shawl Ministry, etc
Building & Grounds: As any home owner or business owner knows, upkeep, repairs and replacements cost money.
Programs/Discipleship: Learning opportunities, small groups, children/adult Christian education, worship, fellowship, etc.
General Budget: Utilities, payroll, office expenses, cleaning supplies, everything it takes to have an office and programs.
Those who are experiencing disasters: UMCOR through the United Methodist Committee on Relief, long term recovery aid is made available.